98 Rock – The 98 Rock was inscribed by an unknown escaped American Prisoner of War (later recaptured). It was inscribed to signify the 98 civilian P.O.Ws that were executed October 7, 1943, by the Japanese.

Nitro Rock – Nitro Rock was inscribed when a U.S. Naval ship was in port at Wake Island in 1939.

Marine Corps Memorial – “Dedicated to the gallant defenders of Wake, 8 Dec-23 Dec 1941. ‘Enemy on island, situation in doubt.’”
“There were only some four hundred United States Marines who, in the heroic and historic defense of Wake Island inflicted such great losses on the enemy. Some of these men were killed in action and others are now prisoners of war. When the survivors of that great fight are liberated and restored to their homes, they will learn that a hundred and thirty millions of their fellow citizens have been inspired to render their own full share of service and sacrifice.”
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 6 January 1942

Harry Morrison and Civilian Construction Memorial – This monument is dedicated to the civilian construction men who participated in the defense of Wake Island during the Japanese invasion December 8-23, 1941, and placed here by those men still living known as the civilian survivors of Wake Island. The men were under the direction of Harry Morrison.

Japanese Memorial –
"May the souls of the war dead repose in peace."
"May peace prevail on the waters of the Pacific forever."
- Wake Island War Monument Reconstruction Association, September 30, 1957

Command Post Historical Site – Japanese admiralty command post built by American civilian P.O.Ws, completed 1942.

Aircraft Historical Site – Japanese aircraft revetment built by American civilian P.O.Ws, completed 1943.

Peale Island Gun – 8” gun on Peale Island used for coastal defense during WWII.