HomeUNITS15th Wing Safety

15th Wing Safety


Flight Safety (SEF)

Colonel Hartman established the 692 ISRG NCO Green Dot Capstone Event Committee which included Capt Phaelen French, MSgt Justin Harper and MSgt Marie Mahoney.  They planned, coordinated and executed  a combination of staged, ad hoc  scenarios and briefings from base helping agencies that fostered bystander intervention and reinforced violence prevention, to include dating/domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault.   The Ad hoc scenarios required NCOs to put to practice the 3Ds, to engage in escalating situations and prevent the development of a red dot.   The event supported nearly 250 attendees.  The 692 ISRG Green Dot Capstone illustrates the Air Force strategy of violence prevention across 692 ISRG and Team Oahu.  Unit members received the message that  “It won’t end unless we all make a choice to do something.”


Mr. Christopher Veazie is the Deputy Chief, Exercise Division, PACAF.  Additionally, he coaches girls basketball at a local high school.  Mr. Veazie begin to reset norms on the team that had previously yielded  to hurtful behaviors between team mates through words in person as well as on social media.  Mr. Veazie wanted to be proactive and create a culture  of connectedness and belonging.  He established a routine where team mates go “APE” for one another which means Acknowledge– Praise—Encourage all teammates  on and off the court.  This proved significant when a team mate lost her farther.  The  team  connection  was critical during this time of need.  Mr. Veazie is making a difference in the community , “One Green Dot At a Time.”


An Airman from the 8th Intelligence Squadron displayed great courage and moral fortitude by assisting a female sailor. After her shift, the A1C came across a heavily intoxicated female sailor being escorted by 3 male sailors. The A1C offered assistance, but was quickly rebuked. Being uncomfortable with the situation, and out of concern for the female sailors safety, she utilized her chain of command and quickly notified Security Forces. She refused to the leave the situation and remained on scene until Security Forces arrived. She then escorted Security Forces to the room where the male sailors had carried the female sailor, and ensured that Security Forces had all the information that they needed and had the situation under control. Her swift actions perfectly exemplified the Green Dot philosophy and went above and beyond to ensure the safety of the female sailor, especially in recognizing a potential "Red Dot" situation, and acting to prevent further escalation.


SSgt Richard Nydam, from the 15 MXG demonstrated Green Dot  Concepts when he intervened  to assist an 11 year old who showed warning signs of suicide.  SSgt Nydam noticed a boy crying on the playground.  About 30 minutes later, he went back outside and noticed the young boy was still crying.  After a few questions, the boy revealed he did not want to live anymore due to problems at home.  He refused to disclose where he lived.  SSgt Nydam had his wife sit with the boy while he attempted to call family advocacy and family services.  The young boy became very angry.  SSgt Nydam called base dispatch, and the boy received medical care.  SSgt Nydam's actions embody the Green Dot Motto, "Nobody has  to do everything but everyone has to do something. "  


SSgt Alissa Dias, 735 AMS, is a Weapons System Controller who recently defined the meaning of Living the Green Dot by practicing the 3Ds to intervene and stop a potential red dot from occurring. She leveraged Air Force training to intervene and deescalate a domestic violence situation while sitting in traffic.  First, she DISTRACTED the couple by getting out of her car and standing in front of their car to draw the man's attention.  Secondly, she DIRECTLY spoke to the individual assaulting the young woman.  Finally, she DELEGATED by calling the proper authorities, the Honolulu Police Department.  Her quick actions epitomized what it means to "Live the Green Dot" by saving an innocent woman from being abused in front of her infant child and 5 year old son.  The woman was so grateful that she contacted the Honolulu Police and gave the information she remembered from SSgt Dias's car tag  The Honolulu Police Department Detective praised SSgt Dias for her bravery and cooperation.

Ground Safety (SEG)

The ground safety division supports the wing mission through mishap response, robust mishap investigation support, proactive risk management, and trend analysis. SEG supports the commanders' ability to proactively identify, manage, and mitigate risks within wing units. Ground safety preserves resources by informing, equipping, and supporting commanders in their responsibilities and efforts to mitigate risks and prevent mishaps.

Weapons Safety (SEW)

The weapons safety division establishes and executes mishap prevention programs for all conventional weapons systems. The division provides systems design certification, explosives safety standards development and siting reviews, weapons safety consultation, as well as system inspection, oversight, education, explosives hazard classifications and staff assistance in its areas of responsibility.