Teamwork makes the dream work

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Benjamin Aronson
  • 15th Wing Public Affairs

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships,” said six-time NBA championship winner Michael Jordan.

The Air Force Office of Special Investigation 6th Field Investigations Region Special Mission Branch works with multiple teams in the Indo-Pacific to include the 25th Air Support Operations Squadron.

“We have a lot of overlap with different mission partners in the Pacific and we can’t succeed without working together,” said AFOSI Region 6 Special Agent Jefferson Fraser.

While the AFOSI’s mission is to detect crime, identify, exploit, and neutralize criminal, intelligence, and terrorist threats, teaming with the 25th ASOS provides an on-the-ground force to eliminate threats.

“Because we are system operators as TACPs (Tactical Air Control Party), we operate on radios, computers, and phones,” said Maj. Nathan Ring, 25th ASOS director of operations. “All the services have built multiple systems with their own operations.

‘The key going forward is to make all of these systems be able to talk more effectively. That is how we are going to more accurately fight the next fight.”

Earlier this year, the AFOSI and 25th ASOS held an exercise with representatives from every branch.

“This exercise demonstrated at the tactical level a way that showcased the seven joint functions,” said Col. Benjamin Hatch, AFOSI 6 FIR vice commander. “We were able to bring these functions to bear at a single specific moment in time in an agile setting.”

The exercise also served as an in-person demonstration for Brig. Gen. Terry Bullard, AFOSI commander, to see the unique challenges the Indo-Pacific brings and what it takes to accomplish the mission.

“If you look at our history, the U.S. military has been most successful when we were able to work with mission partners, host nations, and the joint force,” said Hatch. “We’ll do what we must to get after the mission, and do not only what is required but what makes sense for us to be lethal when needed.”