A Federal Women’s Program Equality Day Published Aug. 27, 2007 By Debra Straight 15 AW/IG (FWP Member) Hickam AFB, HI -- A Federal Women's Program (FWP) Equality Day Luncheon was held at the Nellis Chapel Annex on Friday, 24 Aug 2007 in celebration of the 85th Anniversary of Women's Equality Day. The special guest speaker was Captain Tamara Duke-Patrick, the current Det 2, 18th SVS (Bellows) Commander. She shared general historical facts, reviewed specific accomplishments of present day influential women such as Secretary of State Condolezza Rice and read The President's 2007 Equality Day Proclamation which stated, "On Women's Equality Day, we commemorate the adoption of the 19th Amendment to our Constitution and the strong leadership of extraordinary women who have made America a more perfect Union by advancing women's suffrage... Today, American women are shaping our Nation and the world by serving in all walks of life. Many brave women volunteer to wear the uniform of the United States, and they serve as an inspiration to all." The Federal Women's Program's primary purpose is to improve the status of women in the federal government through education and counseling of members, providing management officials with information on workforce trends and to increase the general awareness of the program. The committee is involved in and committed to becoming an awareness and educational program for both men and women. The Federal Women's Program is open to all military and civilian government employees. For more information regarding Hickam's FWP, contact Dinah Sanchez at 449-0357 or e-mail to hickam.fwp@pacaf.af.mil.